
Port of Stroke, a japanese homebrew PC game by Touzokudan.

All game mechanics and levels are implemented, but it is still a work-in-progress. Some stuff are missing, some other are badly implemented and bugs or glitches are expected.

Opensource graphics and sound materials are used.

Note : the game is optimized for 60 Hz console and has not been tested on real hardware (only emulators and MisterFPGA).




Platform :
Sega Mark III/Master System
Genre :
Puzzle game
Release year :
Status :
Work in progress
Language :
Development :
devkitSMS (v1.2)


01.png 02.png 03.png


Code :
Graphics :
Jerom (Top sci-fi CGA tileset)
x7r (character, title)
Music & Sound Effects :
Mojon Twins (from Super Uwol SG-1000)


You have to collect all items to open the exit. You have to think about how to do it, because you cannot walk twice on some tiles. There are teleporters and other things that makes this game exciting. There is no time limit and you can try out any level as much as you wish (in select stage mode).

t_skull.png Skull item Collect all skull items to remove all the skull boxes and open the exit
t_flash.png Flash item Collect all Flash items to remove all the skull boxes and open the exit
t_star.png Star item Collect all Star items to remove all the skull boxes and open the exit
t_normal.png Slab Replaced with a box after been stepped on. Can be stepped only once
t_fixed.png Grid Can be stepped multiple times
t_continue.png Passthrough Sends you directly to the next tile. Can be stepped multiple times
t_continue.png Special Cancels tiles replacement for the next 5 moves. Can be stepped multiple times
t_exit.png Exit Activated when all items are collected. Can be stepped multiple times
t_hole.png Hole Blocks your way
t_box.png Box Blocks your way
t_box_skull.png Skull box Blocks your way. Removed when all skulls are collected
t_box_flash.png Flash box Blocks your way. Removed when all flashes are collected
t_box_star.png Star box Blocks your way. Removed when all stars are collected
t_teleport_a.png Blue teleporter Sends you directly to the next blue teleporter
t_teleport_b.png Red teleporter Sends you directly to the next red teleporter

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